Teacher KELLY MOTT SCHUTT » World Language (Spanish)

World Language (Spanish)

6th & 7th Grade Topics of study (first year students):
- cognates & connections to languages 
- geography
- greetings & salutations
- introductions
- alphabet
- numbers 
- time
- days, months & dates
- expressing age & birthdays
- weather & seasons
- describing people
- expressing likes & dislikes
- expressing what people do 
- sports
- school classes & supplies
- places
7th & 8th Grade Topics of study (second and/or third year of study): 
- review (topics from previous year)
- describing people & things
- expressing what we love
- school classes & times
- school supplies
- expressing what we do in school
- describing family members
- expressing chores
- describing food and taste
- describing meals 
- reading/creating menus and recipes
- ordering in a restaurant
- expressing how people feel
- expressing our daily routine
- identifying body parts and personal items
- giving advice
- identifying and describing clothing
- comparing and contrasting clothing
- shopping in specialty stores
- modes of transportation
- talking about a previous trip
- discussing airport protocol
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Grading Policy:
50% Assessments
25% Projects & Quizzes
15% Written & verbal communication
10% Extended skills & standard practice
Tips for being successful in a language class:
- be present- be on time, participate, ask questions
- review your notes & vocabulary daily
- practice at every opportunity (friends, family, neighbors)
- make an appointment for Extra Help